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Autor Mensaje

Eduardo R. Saguier (Saguiere) (host123.200.61.143.ifxnw.com.ar -

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Enviado viernes, 16 de agosto, 2002 - 07:09 pm:   Editar Mensaje Borrar Mensaje Ver Mensaje/Comprobar IP Imprimir Mensaje    Compartir Mover Mensaje (Sólo Moderador/Administrador) Prohibir IP de este Remitente (Sólo Moderador/Administrador)

Estimados colegas:

El texto en ingles que acompaño a continuacion de este mensaje ha sido enviado por el que suscribe a mas de medio centenar de Asociaciones, Academias y Centros de ciencias y humanidades de Europa, Australia y America del Norte.

Este texto ha sido escrito con el proposito de sugerir a dichas instituciones que discutan y debatan de que manera los organismos de ciencia de los paises perifericos del mundo puedan llegar a acceder a las aranceladas publicaciones periodicas conectadas a la Red (Online). El listado de dichas asociaciones, discriminadas según que fueren de ciencias o de humanidades, y agrupadas por disciplinas, conjuntamente con sus respectivos direcciones de correo electronico, se encuentra a renglon seguido de dicho texto. Estas direcciones de correo fueron halladas hurgando en las paginas electronicas respectivas, las cuales pueden contactarse mediante mega-buscadores como el Google.

Copia de este escrito esta siendo enviada a las Asociaciones de los paises perifericos de Asia, Africa, Medio Oriente, America Latina y Europa Oriental con la esperanza que esta propuesta de acceso electronico irrestricto sea enarbolada como una reivindicacion legitima e irrenunciable y como una expresion de lucha contra la censura academico-comercial y en pos de los principios de libertad de pensamiento, comunicación abierta e igualdad de oportunidades. Aquellos que desearen solidarizarse con este justo reclamo no tienen mas que repetir el mismo mensaje en ingles, o una version modificada del mismo que incluya otras Bases de Datos que aprecien como mas imprescindibles, y dirigirlo a las Asociaciones listadas o a cualquier otra Asociacion que consideren mas apropiada o conducente.


Eduardo R. Saguier
Investigador Independiente del CONICET (Argentina)

, August 5th, 2002

Dear Chairman:

I have the honor to address you in order to denounce one of the most glaring human rights violations experienced by researchers in peripheral countries: the right to communicate and be informed, guaranteed by their respective National Constitutions. The need to break the isolation, and incommunication or censorship, and consequently the demand to overcome the violation of scholarly and academic freedoms, to which research institutions in peripheral countries are subjected with respect to paid subscriptions of full-text and online journals, is becoming every day more pressing, to such a degree that an appeal for an international solidarity has become imperative.

The importance of these online and full-text journals for the excellence of our research performance and for any country that wants to engage in science and research activities as a platform for economic and cultural takeoff (such were the cases of Ireland and Finland) is obvious. We find ourselves in circumstances similar to those experienced by the most backward European and Middle East countries during the Renaissance --when Gutenberg invented the printing press-- who were condemned to continue using parchment, papyrus and clay tablets. Moreover, the surprising electronic incommunication or censorship to which we are subjected has increased because the number of paid subscriptions to online Databases has enlarged in the recent times.

On the contrary, at the opposite extreme of this irrational behavior, governments of peripheral countries are desperately trying to break their financial incommunication with international banking. We believe that this contradictory behavior is hypocritical and a double discourse. These contradictory practice and this hypocrisy in discourses, that no crisis can justify, offend our scientific researchers, leads to a persistent brain drain, and makes it impossible for young scholars living in the first world to return to their countries of origin.

Moreover, the contradiction and the hypocrisy of Third World governments could partially be undone if superfluous expenses be punished, and if their budgets could be reassigned. On the contrary, research institutions permanently suffer budget cuts and incur extra expenses, that should be reallocated. These research institutions have sistematically boycotted the paid subscription to those online Databases such as J-Store, Elsevier, Carfax, Sage, Kluwer, Blackwell, II Mulino, Swets Backsets Service, Frank Cass, Chadwyck-Healy, Bell Howell, Gale´s Ready Reference Shelf, Project Muse, CERN Library, Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, Allen Press, MALMAD, and Medline among many other Databases.

However, governments in these peripheral countries persist in giving priority to the resolution of the financial incommunication with institutions of international credit, without any consideration whatsoever to the scientific and cultural incommunication or censorship we are experiencing, condemning us to practice peripheral science, unable to compete with the cutting edge research of First World countries.

Finally, I appeal to your solidarity, urging you to debate within your Association any kind of ideas or measures susceptible of supporting our struggle.

Yours truly,

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Enlaces de interés:
          Medicina Alternativa          Hospital Roosevelt Guatemala          Hospital San Juan de Dios Guatemala
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